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Photo slide show by John Scibetta, HC Website Photographer
Heritage Creek is an active 55+ community located in Warwick Township, Bucks County, PA. Residents and visitors may find general information about the community using the navigation panel on the left side of this display. After logging-in, residents may also access the Community Directory, the most recent Broadcast News, Important News, an updated Community Calendar, flyers with details for upcoming trips and events, and other useful information.
Important News for Residents Only
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Our Association

The HERITAGE CREEK COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION (HCCA) was created in 2000 by the Declarant Documents that were a part of the legal proceedings that founded the development by the Mignatti Companies. Each homeowner is given a copy of these documents when they purchase their home. The HCCA Board of Directors is the governing body of the community and is responsible for ensuring HCCA is operating in a financially sound manner by hiring and contracting individuals or companies to handle the financial aspects including, but not limited to, paying bills, overseeing accounts receivables and managing according to established guidelines. The Board is also responsible for overseeing the Reserve Fund’s income and spending revenue, maintenance and upkeep of the Marquis Club and Spa plus community services for the individual homes and common areas, such as, but not limited to, landscaping, maintaining architectural guidelines for individual properties, snow removal, and trash pick-up. The HCCA Board of Directors typically enters into vendor contracts to provide these services.

The success of HCCA is largely due to the efforts of resident volunteers working within the structure of committees and various subcommittees.
Click here to see a listing of these committees.

Minutes of HCCA Board Meetings
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Warwick Township HIstory
Warwick Township, is in Bucks County, Pennsylvania and is 10 miles north of Northeast Philadelphia. Warwick was formed by petition February 13, 1733 by eighteen residents. It was named after a town in central England and was the home to many Scots-Irish Presbyterians. In 1819 the Township lost over half its territory to the north when Doylestown Township was established. History is closely tied to several existing structures, i.e. the Neshaminy Presbyterian Church and the Moland House. The Neshaminy Presbyterian Church is one of the earliest religious association in Pennsylvania dating back to 1726. The Moland House was General George Washington’s headquarters when 11,000 Continental Army troops camped in Warwick Township from August 10, 1777 until August 23, 1777 while on their way to the Battle of Brandywine. The encampment stretched along both sides of Old York Road, on the slope of Carr’s hill to the north; both sides of Bristol Road from Mearns Road to Meetinghouse Road. General Washington held a “Council of War” with his four Major Generals and six Brigadier General in the Moland House. While in Warwick Township the American flag that was designed by Betsy Ross was presented to General Washington and Warwick Township was the site where the American flag was first flown. It was here the Marquis de Lafayette and Count Casimir Pulaski joined the American Revolution and distinguished themselves soon at the Battle of Brandywine and for many years thereafter in the fight for American freedom from England.

Local Attractions
Here are some links to information regarding the beautiful historic area we live in:
Click here to visit Bucks County.
Click here for the Bucks County Website.
Click here for the Warwick Township Website.
Click here for the Moland House Website.